May 2011 has been one of the most exciting months in Chick Lit since I can remember. The Chicklit Club, Novelicious and Chick Lit is Not Dead teamed up for the inaugural International Chick Lit Month to celebrate women’s fiction and everyone seems to be jumping onboard. I kicked off the weekend with Friday Fiesta with freebies and fabulous book giveaway links galore. In continuing with a weekend of winnings, I’ve perused the web to find EVEN MORE chick lit novels being offered online plus an audio book library gift set, a writing prompt prize pack and a NOOK Color! It’s a Saturday Sensation at Lip Gloss and Literature. ENTER NOW TO WIN!
Beneath A Starlet Sky by Amanda Goldberg & Ruthanna Khalighi Hopper (5 Copies)
Chick Lit Is Not Dead; Ends: May 22, 2011
Ten Beach Road by Wendy Wax
Life in Review; Ends: May 23, 2011
When God Was a Rabbit by Saran Winman
Life in Review; Ends: May 24, 2011
Rude Awakenings of a Jane Austen Addict by Laura Viera Rigler (4 Copies) (US/Canada & UK/Ireland)
International Chick Lit Month; Chicklit Club; Ends: May 25, 2011
Win a NOOK Color + a $1,000.00 B&N Gift Card
Barnes & Noble on Facebook; Ends: May 25, 2011
The Scarlet Kimono by Christina Courtenay
Novelicious, Ends: May 26, 2011
Viola in the Spotlight by Adriana Trigiani (2 Copies) (US ONLY)
The Book Butterfly; Ends: May 28, 2011
Friendship Bread by Darien Gee
A Cozy Reader’s Corner; Ends: May 30, 2011
Ten Beach Road by Wendy Wax
Reviews By Molly; Ends May 30, 2011
Various Chick Lit Teen Books (Choice of Sarah Dessen’s The Truth About Forever, Jenny Han’s The Summer I Turned Pretty, Maureen Johnson’s 13 Little Blue Envelopes and more) (2 Winners; One Book Each)
LC’s Adventures in Library Land; Ends: June 1, 2011
Summer in the South by Cathy Holton (3 Hardcover copies)
Bookin’ With Bingo; Ends: June 2, 2011
100 Personalized Writing Prompts + The Writing Sampler by Bryan Cohen; $50.00 Amazon Gift Card
Writing is a Blessing; Ends: June 2, 2011
When God Was a Rabbit by Sarah Winman
Chick Lit Reviews; Ends: June 5, 2011
Abby MacDonald Audiobook Library! Sophomore Switch, The Anti-Prom & Boys, Bears and a Serious Pair of Hiking Boots
Chick Lit Reviews; Ends: June 12, 2011**Please Check Back to Friday's Post for a Fiesta of Free & Fabulous Finds in Chick Lit Books Across the Web!!**
Thanks 4 posting all these awesome giveaways! It's sah-weet!